In the wizard of Oz, the Tinman wanted a heart. Unbeknown to him, a heart could only lead to complications.Allow me to elaborate. In the Great Book way back in the beginning, Adam was given a heart as well as boredom and dominion over all things. In time he felt that companionship was necessary [granted, with a heart that was inevitable]. Then the lord gave him a woman. Long story short, he felt it necessary to entrust her with said heart. Now I'm not going to lecture you on the outcome, but we know how that story went. Fast forward to another part of the Great Book. Lot was also given a heart and lots of great things, amongst them, a fascination with beverages [yada yada yada]. He had to leave all that wealth behind including the liquor, take the wife, and focus on the path-- what God had asked. Lot was to leave it all, not question, do not stop, do not look back [pass go and do not collect that 200]. At the intersection of 42nd and Broadway, came the person with possession of his heart. Needless to say she turned to stone and Lot kept going.

The moral of the story is that at any point in Man's life a woman is going to be a deciding factor. You can come to that crossroad sooner and sometimes it comes to you later; however, you will be in a position to choose. I’m not saying all woman are like Lot’s wife, perhaps some may carry the “Eve” trait or utter words like “What about me” or “ I need someone to be about me.” That’s customary. At every intersection in life, there is a man who’s on a quest--be it for success or for fame or even for bull shit. Man, from the beginning of time, has set out to conquer.

Behind every great man is a great woman and sometimes the other way around. The Tinman didn’t have a heart, yet wasn’t aware of how fortunate he was. He was safer with his ignorance than if he had the knowledge. I’m not saying that man should start being heartless I just believe that a heart can lead you down the yellow brick road with out a GPS.

History has shown that on your quest to the top, she can either push you or hold you. At the end of the day we all need love and want to be loved. Love without a heart isn’t worth having if you can’t feel it in return. But a heart in love has to decide to go left or to go right. I was trying not to have a Matrix analogy but if Neo had to chose between Zion and Trinity, well, say good night, Zion. The point is the Tinman had it good, but he didn’t know it because he was on a quest.

Mr. Wrong

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